(Phnom Penh)
On Wednesday morning, October 5th, 2022, at the Palais du Gouvernment, His Excellency CHHIENG YANARA, Minister attached to the Prime Minister and Secretary General of the Cambodian Rehabilitation and Development Board of the Council for the Development of Cambodia (CRDB/CDC), presided over a meeting in which Ms. Sandra Bernklau, United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Representative to Cambodia, partook to discuss the formulation process of the UNFPA’s Country Programme Document (CPD) for 2024-2028.
In this meeting, Ms. Sandra briefed H.E. Minister about the formulation process of the new CPD that will support the Royal Government of Cambodia’s efforts in the national development. Ms. Sandra emphasized that the aforementioned document will be adapted according to the National Strategic Development Plan (NSDP) 2024-2028, the UNFPA Strategic Plan 2022-2025, and the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework 2024-2028. The CPD will also continue to support and focus on the key 4 outcome areas including 1) Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights 2) Adolescents and Youth 3) Gender Equality and 4) Population Dynamics. Furthermore, Ms. Sandra requested for feedback and endorsement from H.E. Minister regarding the formulation process of this CPD.
H.E. Minister highly valued the formulation process and reaffirmed his commitment to support by cooperating and facilitating the Country Programme Development Working Groups’ (CPDWGs) work with regard to priorities identification and action plans. Recognizing the significance of alignment with the RGC’s priorities, H.E. Minister urged the UNFPA to continue to review and prepare in alignment with the national strategies for 2024-2028.
In conclusion, H.E. CHHIENG YANARA reiterated his appreciation of the UNFPA’s continued support for Cambodia and praised the close cooperation and relationship the UNFPA had with the RGC.