The 2007 Aid Effectiveness Report (AER) has been prepared for the first meeting of the Cambodia Development Cooperation Forum (CDCF) and represents an attempt to introduce a more evidence-based and results-oriented approach to aid management in Cambodia. Potential transmission mechanisms between aid effectiveness work and improved development outcomes include:  Räumung wien

  1. the opportunity provided by the new aid effectiveness agenda to consolidate national ownership;
  2. improved national planning and budgeting to inform resource allocation; and
  3. renewed focus on capacity development practices and the use of monitoring systems.

Progress in consolidating the development partnership

In its annual review of the development partnership, the AER recounts significant progress but also highlights the need to turn our attention from planning and conducting studies towards a focus on the implementation of the H-A-R Action Plan. Major milestones in 2006 and early 2007 included the preparation of the Strategic Framework for Development Cooperation Management, the completion of a GDCC-TWG Review, and the production of a 'Guideline on the Role and Functioning of the Technical Working Groups'. In October 2006, the Government and most major development partners also recommitted themselves to this joint endeavour by co-signing the Declaration on Enhancing Aid Effectiveness. The Report proposes that it is perhaps now time for taking concrete actions to consolidate the link between aid effectiveness work and the achievement of development results. 

Analysis of trends in the provision of development assistance - Fragmentation and Concentration

The analytical section of the Report demonstrates that the development partnership in Cambodia is characterised by over 30 development partners providing support across a wide range of sectors, with many of these development partners supporting a large number of activities and projects.  


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